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Financial News

Jun 2010 Financial News

Tobago Budget Day set for June 21

Jun 11, 2010

Budget Day in Tobago is June 21.

This was announced by Finance Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA), Dr Anselm London, at the assembly’s weekly press briefing yesterday.

London said while he has not been in communication to date with Finance Minister Winston Dookeran, he is confident all Tobago’s needs would be met.

On June 15 2009, the THA presented a $3.07 billion budget. It received $2.2 billion on September 7 when the national budget was presented in Parliament .

’It is unlikely to be any change in distribution of resources, which we shall request. What you might see or are likely to see, is some adjustments in focus,’ London said.

With the change in government in Trinidad and Tobago, London said he does not envision the present Tobago House of Assembly being starved for funding.

The 2010 Tobago budget will be presented by London, at a special sitting in the Assembly Chamber in Tobago. This will be the THA’s budgetary estimates 2010- 2011.

’So I do not expect any deviation from the professionalism which we bring to the table, not so much in arguing Tobago’s case, but presenting the case and engaging the necessary discussions, so that the resources would be here,’ he said.

Meanwhile, THA Chief Secretary Orville London said the THA and the Government are credible and operate on a level of professionalism. London said he would not insult the present government by hinting that they would allow political permeations to influence how they treat with the people of Tobago.

’But we starting with a platform. The platform that we are starting with is what we were getting and what we could have reasonably expected to get under the previous administration, and anything other than that is the icing on the cake,’ London concluded.

Elizabeth Williams Tobago Bureau
Trinidad Express
Friday June 11, 2010