Updated: 07-03-2025 - 12:00PM 7 9 CLOSED
Dec 12, 2018
Trinidad Cement Limited (TCL) hereby advises that following an application dated May 31, 2017, its subsidiary Readymix (West Indies) Limited (RML or the Company) has been granted an Order dated December 6,2018 by the Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission for the Company’s Ordinary shares to be de-listed from the official List of the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Limited (TTSE), pursuant to Sections 45(1), (1A) and 159(1) of the Securities Act, Ch. 83.:02 and Rule 401 of the TTSE Rules.
Upon confirmation that RML has satisfied all the relevant requirements, the TTSE will issue a press release to advise of RML’s delisting and RML will be de-listed the day following publication of the TTSE’s press release.
The Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Limited
Wednesday 12 December, 2018