Updated: 11-03-2025 - 12:00PM 5 7 CLOSED
Sep 17, 2018
Further to notices dated August 6, 2018 and September 12, 2018 and published on August 8, 2018 and September 14, 2018 respectively, Republic Financial Holdings Limited (RFHL) announces that an implementation agreement has been executed on September 14, 2018, between one of its subsidiaries, Republic Bank Trinidad & Tobago (Barbados) Limited (RBTTBL) and Cayman National Corporation Limited (“Cayman National”).
The agreement is for RBTTBL to make an offer to acquire a minimum of 51% and up to 74.99% of the shareholding of Cayman National. The Offer was made on September 14, 2018, by way of tender offer, to the Cayman National shareholders at US$6.25 per Cayman National share.
The Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Limited
Monday 17 September, 2018