Updated: 28-02-2025 - 12:00PM 3 3 CLOSED
Nov 09, 2022
NOTICE is hereby given that the Seventh Annual Meeting of Republic Financial Holdings will be held at the Ballroom of the Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre, Lady Young Road, Port of Spain on Monday December 12, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. for the following purposes:
PERSONS ENTITLED TO NOTICE In accordance with Section 110 (2) of the Companies Act Chap. 81:01, the Directors of the Company have fixed November 17, 2022, as the Record Date for the determination of shareholders who are entitled to receive notice of the Annual Meeting. A list of such Shareholders will be available, for examination by shareholders, at the Office of the Registrar during usual business hours.
Shareholders of the Company, entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting, are entitled to appoint one or more proxies to attend and, in a poll, vote instead of them. A proxy need not be a shareholder. Any instrument appointing a proxy must be received at the Registrar’s Office, not less than 48 hours before the Meeting. Shareholders who return completed proxy forms are not precluded, if subsequently they so wish, from attending the Meeting instead of their proxies and voting in person. In the event of a poll, their proxy votes lodged with the Registrar, will be excluded.
A final dividend of $3.45, declared for the financial year ended September 30, 2022, will be payable on December 1, 2022, to shareholders on record at the close of business on November 17, 2022.
No service contracts were granted by the Company or Subsidiary Companies, to any Director or Proposed Director of the Company.
The Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Limited
Wednesday 9th November, 2022