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Financial News

Nov 2018 Financial News

GraceKennedy Limited - Notice of Dividend Payment

Nov 09, 2018

GraceKennedy Limited will  make  an  interim  dividend  payment  on  13th  December  2018 of 50 cents per stock unit or a total of approximately $496 million to the stockholders on record at the close of business on 23rd November 2018. This payment compares with $447 million paid in December 2017. The Company's Register of Members will be closed from the close of business on 23rd November 2018 to 30th November 2018.

  This was   approved   by  the  Company's   Board  of  Directors  on  8th   November   2018.

  The Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Limited
  Friday 09 November, 2018