Updated: 28-02-2025 - 12:00PM 3 3 CLOSED
Jan 30, 2015
The ANSA McAL Group represents the best opportunity for sustained wealth creation at a time when the T&T economy is being challenged by the slump in global energy prices, chief operating officer Gerry Brooks told prospective investors on Wednesday.
Brooks, who delivered the feature address at the annual awards ceremony of Ansa Coatings Limited (ACL) at the Trinidad Hilton and Conference Centre, highlighted the stability of the group and their quest to achieve better returns which commercial banks could not match. He said with bumper sales being reported by ACL, in addition to its significant investments in key sectors complemented by a buoyant share price, the decision was clear.
“The group’s share price continues to be buoyant, appreciating to $66.52 today. This must be juxtaposed against the backdrop of a local T&T Stock Exchange Index, which has declined by 2.9 per cent and local interest rates, which offer one per cent. Regional stock indices in Barbados and Jamaica posted returns of 17.4 per cent and 5.6 per cent respectively.
“The compounded three-year return on ANSA McAL shares is plus 10 per cent. It is a proven investment vehicle for institutional, corporate and individual investors,” Brooks said. ANSA McAL’s diversity across multiple sectors and its regional footprint “provide an excellent defence and offence in what is an increasingly volatile and unpredictable environment.”
He said that 2014 was another rewarding year for the group which had made significant investments in the media, manufacturing, beverage and auto sectors to deepen both productivity and competitiveness.
“This will allow us to navigate the current ripples in the economy, while ensuring long term growth. These investments and our proven ability to emerge stronger from economic challenges have inspired the continued confidence of investors,” he said.
The ACL executive team came in for high praise for achieving record sales as well as record output in litreage from its plant. The team also opened two new shops and upgraded seven. In 2014 the company completed its single largest floor coatings project for a food and beverage manufacturer.
Brooks said this underscored the company’s competence and ability to undertake similar future projects locally and regionally as it sought to deepen its service position in the energy sector, leveraging its relationship with Devoe, International, Glidden and our international partners to bring premier solutions to the oil, gas and manufacturing sector.
Sean Nero
Trinidad Guardian
Friday January 30, 2015