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Financial News

Jul 2020 Financial News

GraceKennedy Limited - Appointment of a new Head of Digital Transformation

Jul 23, 2020

The GraceKennedy (GK) Group has announced the appointment of Steven Whittingham as its new Head of Digital Transformation, effective August 1, 2020. The role will see Mr Whittingham assuming leadership of GK’s digital transformation strategy, guided by GK’s new Digital Transformation Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will be chaired by GK Group CEO, Don Wehby, and has been charged with overseeing the advancement of the digital agenda across the GK Group locally and internationally. Whittingham will also continue to serve in his role of Chief Operating Officer of the GraceKennedy Financial Group (GKFG).

The Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Limited
Thursday 23rd  July, 2020