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Financial News

Jun 2011 Financial News

GKC - Management Changes

Jun 02, 2011

GraceKennedy Limited has advised the Stock Exchange of the following Board changes:

1. Board Retirement
We confirm that Mr. LeRoy Bookal, retired by rotation at the Company’s Annual General Meeting held yesterday but did not offer himself for re-election.

Mr. Bookal, who lives overseas and who has served the company with distinction as a Director since his appointment on January 27, 2005 and as Audit Committee Chairman since November 9, 2007, indicated that he is unable to continue as a member of the Board due to his present commitments which will not allow the time and travel needed on a continuous basis to fulfill these responsibilities.

2. Board Appointments
We advise that Mrs. Mary Anne Chambers and Mr. Everton McDonald were appointed to the Board of Directors at a meeting held on May 26, 2011, following the Annual General Meeting.

Mrs. Mary Anne Chambers, who is Jamaican born, lives in Canada. She is an experienced banker, having held several senior positions at Scotiabank in Toronto, the last of which was a Senior Vice-President up to 2002, when she retired from the bank. She also has a distinguished and extensive record of voluntary service in education, health care and social service sectors in Canada and is currently Chair of the Board of Directors and President of P.A.C.E. (Canada) (the Project for Advancement of Childhood Education). She is also a member of the Board of Trustees and chairs the Governance Committee for the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (Canada), serves on the Board of Governors and the Audit Committee of the University of Guelph and the Board of Directors of Junior Achievement Canada and serves as Chair of the Advisory Council for York University’s Centre for Education and Community (YCEC).

Mr. Everton McDonald, who is also a member of the Board of GraceKennedy Financial Group Limited and First Global Bank, is a former Chairman of PricewaterhouseCoopers Caribbean and Territory Senior Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers, Jamaica where he had a distinguished career spanning close to 40 years, retiring in 2009. Mr. McDonald, a Chartered Accountant and Past President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Jamaica, is presently a business and financial consultant.

3. Audit Committee Appointments

Audit Committee Chair
Mr. Gordon Sharp was appointed Chairman of the Audit Committee, consequent upon the retirement of Mr. LeRoy Bookal.

Audit Committee Members
Ms. Chambers and Mr. McDonald were both appointed members of the Audit Committee at the May 26th Board meeting.

The Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Limited
Thursday June 2, 2011