Updated: 12-03-2025 - 12:00PM 4 10 CLOSED
Jul 07, 2016
T&T experienced a significant increase of passengers in the 2015 to 2016 cruise ship season said Warren Solomon, general manager, marketing, at the Tourism Development Company (TDC).
“Earlier this year, the Caribbean Tourist Organisation reported that T&T achieved the highest percentage increase in cruise passengers visits in the Caribbean for 2015. Our captivating stories, rich culture and the carefree charm of our people have enticed some of the world’s most popular cruise lines to include T&T on their itineraries,” said Solomon who spoke last week Wednesday at a ceremony marking the end of the cruise ship season for 2015 to 2016. This was hosted by the Ministry of Tourism and held at the Cruise Ship Complex, Dock Road, Port-of-Spain.
According to the Tourism Minister, Shamfa Cudjoe, for the 2015 to 2016 cruise season, Trinidad received 30,493 cruise passenger arrivals from 25 cruise ships while Tobago received 70,298 cruise passengers from 60 cruise ships, a total to the destination of 100,791 which represents an increase of 115 per cent over the cruise season of the previous year.
The cruise ship season ended in May.
Solomon also said 7,000 passengers participated in pre-booked excursions, while 3,000 enjoyed the free line tours.
“T&T has the opportunity to manage a controlled growth of its cruise market segment in the medium and long term, not just by putting our best foot forward, but by learning from our competitors and by constantly reviewing our performance,” he said.
He gave two standout examples of the past cruise season.
“In November 2015 the World Odyssey visited T&T’s shores with a group of 700 students, teachers, and crew members on the Semester at Sea Programme. This is essentially a university on the ocean, and our team was challenged to host hundreds of young students, anxious to absorb everything in T&T,” he said.
Another highlight of the 2015 to 2016 cruise ship season was the inaugural visit of the NYK Asuka 11, registered as the largest cruise ship registered in Japan.
He also mentioned the death of Asami Nagakiya, the Japanese musician who was found dead during the Carnival season.
“Not only was it the ship’s first visit to T&T, but it also came on the heels of a tragedy that lingered in the minds of everyone on our team, many in the local community at the end of the Carnival season. However, as the true strength of the Trinbagonian spirit was tested, our team worked together to host the arrival and departure presentations that exhibited our culture and demonstrated the warmth, vitality and natural friendliness of T&T’s people.”
Improved marketing
Cudjoe, in her presentation, gave reasons why T&T’s performance in the last cruise ship season improved.
She attributed the gains to aggressive marketing campaigns targeting the cruise lines and strengthened relations with the Florida Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA).
“There was also the streamlining of on-island resources such as shore excursions, transportation, sites and attractions, downtown guiding services and delivery of excellent customer services, all of which have had a positive impact on cruise passengers,” she said.
Cudjoe also said the Ministry of Tourism has ensured that the cruise lines are comfortable with the berthing and other amenities offered at the ports. That means any destination issues are speedily resolved and to the satisfaction of cruise lines, cruise ships, passengers and crews.
Referring to T&T’s high crime rate, the minister said, despite the negative travel advisories from T&T’s major source markets, England, USA and Europe, T&T’s visitors from cruise arrivals had a crime-free experience.
She said the T&T Police Service has been at the forefront of safety and security arrangements which are implemented on cruise-ship days.
“There is enhanced police presence on cruise-ship days at the various sites and attractions. In addition to the police presence, the TTPS and City Police spent their time providing police escorts and patrols to all areas frequently visited by cruise ship passengers and crew.”
Acting Police Commissioner, Stephen Williams, who also spoke at the ceremony, said the T&T Police Service will play its part to ensure this country remains a safe place not only for local citizens but also for visitors.
“Tourism shall play and is playing an important part in the gross domestic product (GDP) of our country,” he said.
Economic impact
Cudjoe referred to data which showed that during the 2015 to 2016 cruise year, the average passenger spent US$42.58 in Trinidad and US$74.18 in Tobago and the average crew spend is US$23 per person generating US$6.7 million.
She said the Ministry of Tourism is expecting an even better 2016 to 2017 season for cruise ships.
“We want to continue to benefit from the cruise ships arrivals at ports in both Trinidad and Tobago, so we offer cruise lines an incentive of a 50 per cent head discount if they call at both our islands back to back. In other words, the cruise ships that opt for this type of itinerary will only pay one head tax of US$5 and not US$10.”
She added that the Princess Cruises announced its 2017 to 2018 Americas Cruise calendar that includes sailings to T&T. Other luxury cruise ships added T&T to their itineraries including the MSC Orchestra, with a capacity of over 2,000 passengers and the World Odyssey, which functions as both a travelling university and a residential home to over 700 undergraduate students.
Cudjoe said the Ministry of Tourism remains “excited” about the upcoming season and 85 cruise ship calls between T&T are carded for the 2016 to 2017 season.
“Our goal is to achieve more arrivals, more visitors and more tourists so that the tourism industry will contribute its part in maintaining a robust economy and optimum level employment.”
Despite the successes, she said the Ministry of Tourism aims to continue improving its product.
“We aim to work closely with tour and shore operators to maintain world class service standard in their offering and further attract other cruise lines. Where possible, we are applying best practices similar to that currently being offered by Marquis Destinations.
"We also expect to utilise the services of the FCCA Tour Guide training agency, Aquila, to train our tour guides and visitors guides during 2017,” she said.
Business Guardian, BG5
Thursday July 7, 2016